Saturday, April 17, 2010
Instituto Cervantes NewYork | Midtown East
Instituto Cervantes NewYork | Spanish Cultural Center
211 E 49th St (btw 2nd Ave & 3rd Ave) New York, NY 10017
Instituto Cervantes is a not-for-profit organization created by the Spanish government in 1991. Its mission is to promote the teaching of Spanish and to contribute to the advancement of the culture of the Spanish speaking countries.
In New York, Instituto Cervantes works in collaboration with other institutions in organizing cultural activities such as lectures, books presentations, concerts, art exhibitions, the Spanish Cinema Now film festival and Festival of Flamenco.
The library provides convenient access to a wide selection of literature in Spanish as well as videos of the most important films produced in the Spanish language. Also, the library has ancillary materials for the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Lighting and Advertising at Times Square
뉴욕타임즈가 이사오면서 1904년부터 타임스퀘어라고 명명되어진 이 곳은 각종 광고판으로 가득 채워져왔다. 네온사인이 생기고 난 뒤에는 말 그대로 밤에도 대낮같이 환한 탓에 이제는 안전한 수많은 관광객들의 필수 코스이다. 여기에선 건물의 형태도 그리고 입면도 보이지 않는다.